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I was nominated for best Zumba blog- Most Fascinating Blog of 2012 and came in 3rd place! Thanks for your support!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why do I get abdominal cramps during Zumba?

Several students have asked me what to do about cramps that start in the middle of Zumba.  That's the last thing you want.  You're here to have fun and get a workout, not get sick!  If I eat too much too close to Zumba, I will cramp.  If I have a class at 6:30PM, I eat half of my dinner (the non-fatty, digestible part) at 5PM, the other half after Zumba.  But students who follow this rule still get cramps.  Gyration will speed up your digestive process and bowel movements.  It's not uncommon to have to run to the bathroom in the middle of class.  If it's not your bowels calling, Some will say cramps arise because you're not breathing rhythmically, or you're dehydrated or you didn't stretch enough, or get enough potassium.
Perhaps lactic acid built up. Any of these could be your culprit.  http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_happening_in_your_body_when_muscles_burn_or_develop_cramps_during_strenuous_exercise
However, I can tell you, if it's none of the above, it's lack of control at the core.  Hold those abs in.  Otherwise, you'll be shaking up your internal organs as well as your external goodies.  If I let my stomach hang out and still did all those shimmies,  I'd get cramps too.  Yes, you can still breathe while you're holding your abs in.  Hold your abs in all day too, not just for dancing. Develop the habit!  Controlling your abs will save your back too!

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